While most of you were enjoying signs of spring this weekend, we unexpectedly got about 2 feet of snow Sunday night.
We thought spring was upon us (it is Spring Break at UVM afterall), and we took a short road trip to Norwich, Vermont to visit the Montshire Museum of Science and swim in a hotel pool. As you can see, we had a fun time while it lasted and we even managed a side trip to King Arthur Flour. At dinner on Sunday we overhead something about a snowstorm coming, and after doing some checking, we decided to cut short our visit and get on the road.
It was raining when we left, but within a few miles it started snowing. It was a long, slow drive that got even slower when we exited I-89 for the 20 miles of local roads to get home. The snow just kept piling up and piling up. A couple miles from home and we were driving through 6-8 inches, and turning into our long, steep driveway, there was about 10-12 inches of snow. But our car didn't let us down and we pulled up in front of the house around 10 pm.