It's been a busy month, but we made time to take Chance to his first parade. It was the first sunny day in about a week. The orange shorts were the "backups" in case of an accident, but the puddle of rainwater at the bottom of the slide wasn't the accident we had in mind. btw, there weren't any other accidents, despite being out and about for 2+ hours.
The parade was great. Just the right sized crowd, lots of food, sunny day, firetrucks, marching bands, and candy! For most of the parade, Chance was content to sit on a lap and watch, and enjoy the candy that was thrown his way (lots of new tastes - starburst, tootsie roll, root beer candy). And then came the bagpipes.
After that, there was no stopping him. On the way home, he asked to go to another parade. Just wait until he finds out they have parades for his birthday!